Planning The Work And Working The Plan

Is anybody getting excited about the cool weather and football ahead?

I felt it was the perfect time to see where we are and where we wish to be this coming season with our wardrobes.

Below I've outlined a few easy steps to plan out your wardrobe and how I may help with it. Let's work together to make this season your most stylish year yet.

Where are you today? - Let's asses your current wardrobe with what's "needed" and what's "wanted." Start with the needs. Now here's a tip, a lot of guys say they have the basics, the quintessential navy suit, gray solid, white shirt, etc., but never wear it because they hate the way it "fits."

If you've got it, but hate it, then you should either

1. Save it with the help of a tailor, or (I can help here)

2. Replace it.

Where would you like to be? - This will help you plot out future purchases. I tend to look at this per quarter. Perhaps you knock out the needs now and push the wants to later? Think about your ideal wardrobe and what this looks like longterm. Maybe you favor another person's style, what will it take you to get there? How many quarters? Think long term.

Can you get there? - Yes, of course, you can. It may require you teaming up with someone like me to help guide this, but make it known to the people around you, and it adds accountability so that your "pretty soon" doesn't become "I was going to." Say something along the lines of "developing a well rounded casual and professional wardrobe is one thing I'm focusing on, and it's a priority." You'll be surprised at how easy it can be once you make it aware to others and focus on making it a priority.

How do I get there? - We'll lay out a quarter at a time. We will select appropriate pieces to fill in the holes and raise the level of your presence. We will coordinate the best times to make these purchases based on seasons and sales. The key here is focusing on versatility, and making sure you are making purchases that will keep you satisfied throughout the year, a navy and gray suit may not seem like the most exciting purchase when presented with 1000's of different suiting fabrics but you'd be happily surprised at how those two suits, fit to perfection, and paired with purpose, can get you through the year with style.

How will you stay on track? - We can meet when you wish, but I recommend you review this at least twice a year. Once for Spring/Summer, and again in Fall/Winter. Now, remember, it takes time to craft these pieces, so having some lead time before a season helps. During these meetings, we'll review and make adjustments if and when necessary.

Pretty simple, eh?

All the best-


Jesus Guillen