Morning Coffee / Blue Skies?

It was a tough week for mass retail. 

Several big operations made the news with businesses struggling - J.CrewNordstromNeiman Marcus, even Brooks Brothers.  There are plenty more.

As pointed out in the New York Times article "J.Crew Didn't Need To Live Forever", the irony of their home page still running the "Blue Skies Ahead" campaign was described as tone deaf.

"Featuring an attractive cast of windswept young men and women in various nautical stripes and florals on a sailboat off the coast of some New England town, it declares: “Blue skies ahead …Well, obviously not. Not for customers, isolated in their homes in the face of Covid-19, nor for the brand itself. Storm clouds and gray skies, more likely."


Listen, nobody really knows how life will be once we're all back up and running full stop. 

It's hard to imagine what that even looks like.  At best it's a guess.

All I can do today is filll you in on what's happening in the world of ABBEYDALE.

In short - we're back - taking appointments - safely.  

Since we've always been by appointment, honestly not much has changed to the format.

But perhaps your needs have changed? 

I'd love to hear about that. 

I feel strongly in our product and what custom can do to a personal image. 

I know it has a place in the new world.

Have I been hesitant to reach out?  You bet.

The ABBEYDALE social media has been quiet, becuase honestly, it just didn't feel right to me.

I don't have a corporate mandate to lean on. 

I'm taking all of this in just like you.

I  do think the "Blue Skies" campaign was a little off.  It has been cloudy for most of us, but I'm starting to see the sun lifting over the horizon.

Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, but, at some point, I really want to get back to service. 

That's what I love. 

I assume you're ready to get back at it, too?

If so, lets do it together.

If you have any needs, let me know and we'll figure out our best modus operandi.

If you have an ask (no matter the size) I'm here.  

I look forward to seeing you soon. 

Even if it does involve a mask.

Jesus Guillen